Job Title: Manager
Organisation: DaimlerChrysler
Number of years in current position: 1
Qualifications: DPhil
DaimlerChrysler is one of the world’s leading automotive companies producing a wide variety cars, vans, busses and trucks.
At school and university I always enjoyed applied maths and when I saw the Case Awardship for a DPhil at the University of Sussex with Ricardo Consulting Engineers to further the use of mathematics for engine optimisation – I knew I’d found the right niche for me.
When I started at DaimlerChrysler Research my work mainly involved encouraging people to learn and use statistically designed experiments and mathematical optimisation tools. Some years ago I moved into a managerial role within the Mercedes Car Group, putting together a team of engineers and engine test cell specialists to improve engine testing procedures. Over the last year the focus of my work has been to improve the quality of the engine sensors and actuators.
One of the essential skills in my job is being able to communicate the essence of mathematical issues whilst avoiding technical phrases and Greek symbols. Furthermore, in any large company building a network of contacts can make the difference between getting the job done quickly and not getting the job done at all!