On this page you will find some of the postgraduate opportunities currently offered by universities and other institutions in the United Kingdom and abroad. Applying for a postgraduate programme is not done through UCAS, but directly to the university or department you are interested in. The procedure varies, but you may need to fill out an application form, submit an academic CV, and attend one or more interviews.
Mathematics Jobs | ResearchGate
ResearchGate is the largest academic social network for researchers and scientists with over 800,000 members worldwide. A key feature of ResearchGate which would be of particular interest to students and researchers is the Research Jobs board which advertises hundreds of high-profile listings for PhD studentships and jobs for careers in science, research and academia.
DirectGov: Graduate careers
Some advice to graduates on careers, jobs and placements.
A comprehensive guide to current scientific research and PhD studentships from many major universities and institutions throughout Europe. You can also link to FindAPostDoc.com and FindAMasters.com
Graduate Talent Pool: connecting graduates to businesses through internships
Graduate Talent Pool is a service designed to help match the skills businesses require with those offered by new and recent graduates.
This is one of the most important higher education recruitment websites in the UK. The jobs listed here are mainly academic. A lot of them require the candidate to have a PhD, but you can also search for PhD places on this site.
A comprehensive careers web site for all graduates offering advice and information on various career paths, as well as employer lists and job vacancies. The site also features case studies and information on graduate destinations and salaries.
Prospects.ac.uk: Graduate Recruitment Fairs
This page within the Prospects website has good advice regarding attending Graduate Recruitment Fairs. It also has a list of Fairs across the country.
This site provides a comprehensive index to the world university ranking top 550 universities and the post graduate courses they offer. It also hosts an international post-grad fair which offers prospective students face to face advice on where and what to study.
Women into Science and Engineering Campaign
The Women into Science and engineering campaign was set up to encourage girls and women to choose careers in these fields. Their website contains a useful section about women who want to further their careers. The campaign also publishes a directory listing sources of sponsorship and funding for undergraduate and postgraduate study, as well as for women in employment.
Who employs maths graduates?
Environment Agency
If you want an exceptional career in civil engineering, enjoy the perfect start with our ground breaking two-year foundation degree.
IMA Corporate Affiliates
More employers of maths graduates.
Thales Research & Technology (UK) Ltd
Producing successful innovative solutions.