Pa fath o bobl sy’n defnyddio mathemateg yn eu gyrfa? Yn yr adran hon gallwch lawrlwytho ystod o broffiliau gyrfa gwahanol i weld yr amrywiaeth o yrfaoedd y gall mathemateg arwain atyn nhw.
What kind of people use maths in their careers? In this section you can download a range of different career profiles to see the diversity of careers that maths can lead to.

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Career Profiles Booklet 28 pages, Colour PDF, 8.42Mb
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The booklet contains the following profiles:
Aaron Sugarman, Pennaeth Ymchwil Weithredol, TUI Travel yn Luton | Head of Operational Research, TUI Travel, Luton (PDF, 1.38Mb)
Alasdair Dawson, Swyddog yn y Fyddin, Peirianwyr Brenhinol | Army Officer, Royal Engineers (PDF, 1.4Mb)
Alastair Page, Dadansoddwr Gweithrediadau, Network Rail Enquires | Operations Analyst, Network Rail Enquiries (PDF, 1Mb)
Ben Allison, Athro Mathemateg a Saesneg Anghenion Arbennig, Fort Hill Integrated College yn Lisburn, Gogledd Iwerddon | Special Needs
Maths and English teacher, Northern Ireland (PDF, 811Kb)
Ben Raskin, Ymgynghorydd Amaethyddol Organig, Cymdeithas y Pridd | Organic Agricultural Advisor, the Soil Association (PDF, 762Kb)
Bob Hornby, Prif Wyddonydd, Dstl (Labordy Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Amddiffyn) | Principal Scientist, Dstl (PDF, 1.03Mb)
Brian O’Connell, Geoffisegydd Dadansoddol, TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company, Llundain | Analytical Geophysicist, TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company, London (PDF, 1.45Mb)
Carole Proctor, Cydymaith Ymchwil, Canolfan Bioleg Systemau Integredig ar Gyfer Heneiddio a Maeth, Prifysgol Newcastle | Research Associate, Newcastle University (PDF, 1Mb)
Chris Lawn, Athro Peirianneg Thermohylifau, Queen Mary University Llundain | Professor of Thermofluids Engineering, Queen Mary University of London (PDF, 1Mb)
Darren Pennington, Prentis Trydedd Flwyddyn, BAE Systems | Third Year Apprentice, BAE Systems (PDF, 737Kb)
Dominic Fielden, Cyd-berchennog a sylfaenydd, bwyty a chwmni cynhyrchu pitsa Rocky Mountain Flatbread (Canada) | Co-owner and founder, Rocky Mountain Flatbread Pizza restaurant and manufacturing company (Canada) (PDF, 894Kb)
Elliot Collins, Myfyriwr BSc mewn Ffiseg gyda Gwyddoniaeth Gofod a Thechnoleg, Prifysgol Leicester | BSc student of Physics with Space Science and Technology (University of Leicester) (PDF, 1Mb)
Eoin Igoe & Sarah Coulson, Ymchwilydd Gweithredol, British Airways, Maes Awyr Heathrow | Operational Researchers, British Airways,
Heathrow Airport (PDF, 1Mb)
Fayezah Sayed, Actiwari dan Hyfforddiant, KPMG, Leeds | Trainee Actuary, KPMG, Leeds (PDF, 1.38Mb)
Gail Iles, Myfyriwr PhD Nanotechnoleg, Prifysgol Caerl?r | PhD Student, University of Leicester (PDF, 342Kb)
Guy Hinchley, Partner Rheoli Cenedlaethol, Mills a Reeve (cwmni cyfraith yn Birmingham) | National Managing Partner, Mills & Reeve (law
firm in Birmingham) (PDF, 755Kb)
Haley Gomez, Darlithydd mewn Astroffiseg, Prifysgol Caerdydd | Lecturer in Astrophysics, Cardiff University (PDF, 859Kb)
Heather Wright, Ymgynghorydd Rheolaeth, Hartley McMaster | Management Consultant, Hartley McMaster (PDF, 1.44Mb)
Ivie Aroko, Peiriannydd graddedig, Sustainable Gas Group, Grid Cenedlaethol | Graduate Engineer, National Grid (PDF, 876Kb)
James Connell, Peiriannydd Sifil, Morgan Professional Services, Stratford-upon-Avon | Civil Engineer, Morgan Professional Services, Stratford-upon-Avon (PDF, 1.5Mb)
James Drake, Peiriannydd Sain | Sound Engineer (PDF, 1Mb)
John Botteley, Cyfarwyddwr Theatr, Grand Opera House (Belfast) | Theatre Director, Grand Opera House (Belfast) (PDF, 1.09Mb)
John Marsham, Meteorolegydd ymchwil academaidd/Ffisegydd Cymylau | Academic Research Meteorologist/Cloud Physicist (PDF, 1.56Mb)
Jo Keefe & Katherine Byrne, Ymchwilydd Gweithredol, Swyddfa Gartref | The Home Office, Operational Researchers (PDF, 1.63Mb)
Jonathan Hare, Gwyddonydd llawrydd, Cyfathrebwr Gwyddoniaeth (cyfresi teledu yn cynnwys BBC Rough Science, Hollywood Science) | Freelance scientist, Science communicator (TV series include BBC Rough Science, Hollywood Science) (PDF, 1.54Mb)
Katherine Agong, Uwch Beiriannydd Trafnidiaeth, Capita Symonds | Senior Transportation Engineer, Capita Symonds (PDF, 1.13Mb)
Keith M. Treves-Brown, Milfeddyg a Gwas Sifil (Wedi ymddeol), aelod gweithredol o Gyngor y Gymdeithas Filfeddygol Brydeinig | Vet and Civil Servant (Retired), active member of Council of the British Veterinary Association (PDF, 1.07Mb)
Leslie Cram, Ceidwad Amgueddfa Archeolegol (wedi ymddeol) | Museum Archeological Curator (retired) (PDF, 777Kb)
Liz Ainsbury, Dadansoddydd Data, Asiantaeth Diogelu Iechyd | Data Analyst, Health Protection Agency (PDF, 795Kb)
Liz Bentley, Pennaeth Cyfathrebu, Royal Meteorological Society | Head of Communications, Royal Meteorological Society (PDF, 907Kb)
Louise Forbes, Cyfreithwraig | Solicitor (PDF, 866Kb)
Maire O’Neill, Cymrawd Ymchwil / Darlithydd, Sefydliad Electroneg, Cyfathrebiadau a Thechnoleg Gwybodaeth (ECIT), Prifysgol Queen’s, Belfast | Research Fellow / Lecturer, ECIT, Queen’s University Belfast (PDF, 1.26Mb)
Mark Callister, Peiriannydd graddedig, Capita Symonds | Graduate Engineer, Capita Symonds (PDF, 1.05Mb)
Mark Hilton , Chwaraewr Proffesiynol Rygbi’r Gynghrair, Warrington Wolves | Professional Rugby League player, Warrington Wolves Super (PDF, 804Kb)
Mark McCartney, Darlithydd mewn Mathemateg, Prifysgol Ulster | Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Ulster (PDF, 1.39Mb)
Martin Crozier, Athro Mathemateg, St Antony’s Leweston School, Dorset | Teacher of Mathematics, St Antony’s Leweston School, Dorset (PDF, 842Kb)
Martin Smith, Swyddog Gweinyddol (Cymdeithas Fathemateg Llundain) ac Ysgrifenyddiaeth (Cyngor Gwyddorau Mathemategol) | Administrative Officer (LMS Council) and Secretariat (Council for the Mathematical Sciences), (PDF, 976Kb)
Nicholas Mills, Nyrs Gofal Arbenigol mewn Uned Gofal Dwys Plant | Specialist Charge Nurse in Children’s Intensive Care Unit (PDF, 755Kb)
Pat Bellamy, Ystadegydd/Dadansoddydd Systemau, Prifysgol Cranfield | Statistician/Systems Analyst, Cranfield University (PDF, 903Kb)
Paul Johnston, Datblygwr Meddalwedd, The Game Creators | Developer, The Game Creators Ltd (PDF, 1.41Mb)
Paul Sweetenham, Cyfarwyddwr Prosiect ar systemau risg ariannol, SunGard Software and IT services | Project Director (Financial Risk Systems) SunGard Software and IT services (PDF, 1.11Mb)
Rhys Phillips, Peiriannydd Corfforaethol graddedig, EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) | Corporate Graduate Engineer, EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) (PDF, 1.07Mb)
Rob Eastaway, Awdur, siaradwr ar fathemateg, criced a chreadigrwydd (hunan gyflogedig) | Author, Speaker on maths, cricket and creativity, Self-employed (PDF, 1.13Mb)
Robin Hankin, Dadansoddydd Ansicrwydd, Canolfan Eigioneg Genedlaethol | Uncertainty Analyst, National Oceanography Centre (PDF, 869Kb)
Sara Santos, Cymrawd Clothworker, Sefydliad Brenhinol Prydain Fawr | Clothworkers’ Fellow, The Royal Institution of Great Britain (PDF, 1.44Mb)
Saskia de Groot, Dadansoddydd Ansicrwydd, Canolfan Eigioneg Genedlaethol | PhD Student in Bioinformatics (PDF, 1Mb)
Shirley Webb, Gladiator, Sky Television a chyn athletwr Olympaidd | Olympic athlete – hammer thrower (PDF, 1.82Mb)
Simon Singh, Ysgrifennwr a darlledwr Gwyddoniaeth, newyddiadurwr llawrydd | Science writer and broadcaster, Freelance journalist (PDF, 831Kb)
Tudor Brown, Llywydd y Bwrdd Cyfarwyddwyr, ARM | President of Board of Directors, ARM (PDF, 386Kb)