Mathematical Sciences students go into a huge variety of professions. In this page we have collected career profiles from several university alumni pages to give you an idea of where maths graduates can end up.
University of Birmingham Alumni Profiles
Check out careers profiles by an actuarial associate, secondary maths teacher, planning manager, PhD students, actuarial consultant, commercial analyst scientific consultant and many more.
University of Bristol Faculty of Engineering Alumni profiles
Profiles by an aerodynamicist, chief standardisation officer , subsea engineering manager, software developer, senior assistant engineer, investment banker, major in the british army, commercial and customer support director, managing director, amongst others.
University of Exeter College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences Alumni Profiles
Check out profiles by an co-director of a web design and marketing agency, engineer, leadership consultant, and freelance copy-editor.
University of Manchester Alumni Spotlights
Check out profiles by a consultant, a head of SEO (search engine optimisation), accountant, research scientist, and more.
University of Nottingham School of Mathematical Sciences Alumni Profiles
Check out profiles by a financial management trainee, trainee accountant, teacher, library/information assistant for a law firm, trainee chartered accountant, chartered accountant, product line manager and more.
University of Oxford Mathematical Finance MSc Alumni profiles
See where a mathematical finance MSc degree took these students!
University of Reading Mathematics and Statistics Graduate Profiles
These profiles give just a brief insight into the careers graduates go on to after they leave Reading.